I am
SUPER excited to be a part of a weekly group that will be thinking, talking,
writing, and sharing about what is working in out classrooms and what needs a
little extra TLC over the summer to get it where we want it. Also, the teachers participating will be
sharing some of their favorite products that you could purchase if they may
help you!
Classroom Organization
at my school tell me I am pretty organized, but to be honest when I went to
take pictures of my “organization” I found some things majorly LACKING due to
the end of year CRAZINESS!
What is
organized well?
My book
I just
recently weeded through my books and got rid of a few hundred (yes, you read
that right!). Now the kids can easily
browse through boxes. The labels on the
letter bins are from A Cupcake For A Teacher and over the summer I am planning
to make similar labels for the themed bins.
I have
organized my math games by concept. We
use Everyday Math, which is a spiraling curriculum, so having all of the
concepts easily at hand is important (one day is coins, the next is
shapes). I also plan to make some cute
labels for these this summer – keep an eye out in my store!
Prep for
the Week:
people think I am a Little LOT crazy, but I have the whole week planned and prepped
before it begins. I am usually 1 full
week ahead. That’s not to say things don’t
change, but I like to have everything ready!
Here are my bins that hold everything needed for each day of next week!
Maybe I
will make some cuter labels for these too…my to-do list keeps getting longer
and longer!!
Some things NEED to change.
the way I store my games. I probably
have hundreds of games now. Some are
seasonal, some are themed, some are phonics, some are math, some are
reading…AGH – I make 8 -10 sets of each game, so there are A LOT of
materials. I have been S-L-O-W-L-Y
making my way through my room organizing before the end of the year, but this
is one place that continues to get ignored simply because I am overwhelmed by
it and I don’t have any great ideas for fixing it. There are 15 days of school left and I am
determined to get it set for next year- or at least have a plan. Do you have any ideas? I will be working my way through this linky
looking for some BRIGHT IDEAS!
My store
is still pretty new, so this year I really focused on making my core phonics
products the best they could be. I have
some plans for expansion (you can tell some of them from my notes above), but
for now, I don’t have any classroom organization products. I did link you up to A Cupcake For the
Teacher above though, because I use her GIANT set of chevron labels – THEY ARE
SO PRETTY!! Check them out!
forget to check out some other WONDERFUL bloggers who linked up with their
ideas for classroom organization…Stay tuned for next week’s topic…Math