20 February 2014

It's Free-For-All Time Again!!

I am SO SO SO excited to be a part of another FREE-FOR-ALL!  It will start officially on Friday February 21st at midnight and runs through Monday February 24th at 6 pm.   This month’s Free-For-All is going to look a little bit different than last month’s (if you participated last month).  This month we are all sharing a SAMPLE of a product that we sell on TPT.  For example, I made a set of 6 sight word centers and I have offered 1 of those centers as a sneak peek sample in the Free-For-All.  There is a link in the download to the full product.  Also, as a side note, the sample has an (annoying) watermark on it because I needed to use a PDF editor to add a hyperlink in the PDF.  This is NOT on the main product at all!

So…You are all wondering what am I offering???

Included in the Full Pack:

Here is a look at some of the pages:

The FREEBIE included a list of what is in the full pack AND the Bingo Center.

If you want to find the sight word game pack click HERE.

Want to visit my Facebook page to download the sample freebie?  Click HERE.

Want to check out all of the Sample Freebies available?  Click HERE to head to The Primary Gal’s FB page.  

Please let me know what you think?  Leave me some FB or Bloggy LOVE with a comment J  Thanks!!

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