Secret Santa Gift Exchange!

Hi Friends!

I can't believe it's been a minute since I posted, but I will be back to work soon - In more ways than one!  I head back into the classroom after my maternity leave on Monday - EEK!

Today, though I will be sharing with you my AMAZING present from my super sweet secret santa!

Check out the box that arrived - Can you say love??

Then, I found my favorite flair pens!  (Of course as you can see my little one has claimed them as her own!)

And for my sweet tooth - these Sweedish Fish, which didn't last the day!

Now, I'll be honest I had never used a bath bomb before, but it smells AMAZE-ING and I am looking forward to using it over holiday break!!

Then of course for my LOVE of crafting I get to shop - and shop I will!

Thanks to my sweet secret santa for all the goodies - I hope Santa is good to you all!!