Summer Stock Up - Freebies for the START of school

I can’t even believe that I am writing about getting ready for the fall, when I am not even out of school yet!  OMG - Out last day is TODAY!!!  WOO HOO!!  I have been ready all week - Coincidently we are having a cookout with friends and a bounce house tomorrow - Not connected to the end of school, but I feel like I may be having an EVEN better time than usual, since I will not have to be planning, planning, planning!

Anyways - I would do almost anything for my sweet friend Amanda from The Primary Gal, so here I am thinking about back-to-school already.  Good news is I will also be able to STOCK UP along with you!

Today I will be sharing two BRAND new products I made specifically for this event, but will be available in my store FOREVER!  
Classroom organization and classroom decor were close for me.  I went back and forth about what to post about, but in the end I am happy that I stayed true to what I have been creating rather than branch out.  I'm all for branching out, but maybe not publicly - I would need more trial and error time!

I stayed with my FUNdations LOVE and made a complete word wall set for grade 1 - listing all of the trick words and including alphabet labels.  I even am offering to make name labels for your kiddos (as long as your purchase my product) so you can have everyone's names on your word wall.  

Like the idea, but not crazy about the background colors??  Let me know and I will make a new set and post it on TPT!

My FREEBIE is just a chunk of the word wall, so you can check it out and hopefully find it so irresistible, that you need it in your room!  Find the FREEBIE here and the entire product HERE!

I love getting to know all of my firsties.  I have never made a pack before, and I'm not totally sure where this pack is going - so right now it's a forever freebie.  I may make it more of a back-to-school pack or it may turn into more of a monthly activity where kids can answer questions and we can add pictures each month - not sure - what would you use?  Open to ideas...

For now, I have a back to school - getting to know you apple.  Kids can complete this on their own in grade 1 or 2 or teachers could write for the kiddos as I did with my little lady who is 4.  
Here is a blank one.

Here is one Addison and I completed tonight.  She's ready for summer like me!

Find the FREEBIE HERE for the weekend.  Next week it will be available on TPT - follow me to know when!

There is so much more to see - You will be happy you did!

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