Again! I am excited to - for a second
week – be linking up with Miss Monica from I Heart Grade 3! This week the topic is “Why I Started
Blogging”. And for me there is no easy
answer to this one…
WAY back in the spring of 2012 I got VERY into TPT! Not as a seller at all, but as a buyer. I LOVED everything that I saw and to be
honest it lit a fire under my tush as a teacher. I saw what I could be doing and I NEEDED to
be doing those things too! It was a
great motivator and a teacher for me!
following fall I continued to learn, make, and grow and I was encourage to
share some of what I was doing with others.
I started my blog using blogger and used a basic template and blogged here
and there about things I was doing in the classroom and some things I was making
and creating at home – hence the Teacher Mom title.
dabbled in this throughout the year without ever really committing myself to
the endeavor. Until, I needed an outlet…
When I
got pregnant with my first, it was as though we thought about being pregnant
and boom we were. I expected it to work
the same way the second time. But plans
are made to be reworked and the second baby just wasn’t happening. It was a very LONG process and to be honest
my blog readers and my TPT customers made me stay sane through the whole
thing. I was not open about my struggles
on the blog because I tend to keep it profesh – but once we had success – BABY #2
will be here in 12 weeks!! I feel like I
have to thank TPT and blogging – because it was an outlet for me – a place I
could be successful or make mistakes and it got me out of my own head. Thinking about my own problems.
I have
not been the best blogger since getting preggo.
The first bit was a lot tougher than the first time and school has been
more challenging that expected this spring, but as I mosey into the summer and
my upcoming maternity leave I am getting back on track with the blogging and
I am so
happy to have you along with me on my journey as a teacher and as a mom. Here’s to a great summer filled with
everything and everyone you need to refresh yourself for the next school year!